Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Oh, Cheese! The Softest Pancake Recipes Are Coming Your Way

Cheese pancakes – rich, fluffy, soft, creamy! So many attributes for super easy pancake recipe. Cheese makes pancakes special because it adds a slightly salty or sour-y twist to the sweet base. Not to mention how healthy it is! Oh, and it can also be used in savory variations.
Cheese is a rich source of calcium, protein, phosphorus, sodium and saturated fat. It is widely known that cheese, like all dairy products, is very good for the bones, but it is also good for protecting the eyes and boosting the digestive system. And if you choose raw, organic, and low-fat cheese, you’ll be able to enjoy it completely guilt-free.

Sweet Cheese Pancakes

Cottage cheese usually consists of 4% fat and 11% protein, which makes it a perfectly creamy and low-fat addition to your favorite sweet treats. It combines best with lemon or strawberries. My favorite recipe involves 1 cup of low-fat cottage cheese, a teaspoon of lemon zest, a tablespoon of lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of poppy seeds and a teaspoon of vanilla.
Ricotta can also be combined with lemon and strawberries, but it often pairs with orange or blueberries as well. Ricotta is often used to produce flourless, healthy pancakes. ½ cup of this cheese, combined with only a ¼ cup of vanilla-flavored protein powder, and 4 eggs. A simple protein-packed recipe, perfect for athletes and physically active people!
Add ¼ cup of cream cheese to the batter, then prepare a rich frosting you will use to for a stack of Pancake Cheesecake. The frosting is made with 4 oz. cream cheese, 4 oz. butter, 2 tablespoons cheesecake flavored pudding mix, 1 tablespoon milk, and 1 crumbled graham cracker.
Besides adding them to the batter for extra creaminess and fluffiness, you can use all kind of soft cheeses to prepare cheese glaze toppings. The best option is the classic cream cheese (2 oz.), combined with some heavy cream, half-and-half, or milk and vanilla. If you don’t have cream cheese, melt some cottage or ricotta cheese. This glaze works perfectly drizzled on top red velvet pancakes (use a piping bag for that purpose).
An even richer cheese-based topping option is the Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting, made by mixing caramel sauce and cream cheese. This one is ideal for pumpkin-cinnamon or chocolate pancakes.

Savory Cheese Pancakes

Feta is one of the healthiest types of cheese out there. It is saltier than the above mentioned cheeses, which makes it perfect for various savory dishes, including pancakes. Combine it with spinach (1/2 bunch of chopped spinach and ½ cup crumbled feta). The batter is standard, without the sugar, of course. Complement with chopped chives and cloves.
Mix 1/4 cup shredded Swiss cheese with 4 cups of shredded potatoes, one package of cream cheese, plus 2 eggs and 2 tablespoons of flour. Complement with chopped onions, salt, and pepper. Serve this light lunch with sour cream on top.
Another harder and stronger-tasting cheese is cheddar. Prepare one big sugarless pancake, with some ham or bacon slices on top, plus crumbled cheddar. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes. Add tomato slices or ketchup, onions, olive halves, oregano and voila! A pizza pancake.

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